5: Flooding - That's what the experts say!

Harbour and Flood Prevention – Interviews with Jan Zeese and with Reinhard Vogt


Jan Zeese on the risk potential of floods in the harbour


Hazardous materials that could harm the environment are also transshipped into the harbours of Cologne. How can these goods be stored so that they do not become a danger for the environment in the case of a flood, for example Harbours are always prepared for flooding. There are relatively detailed plans for the removal of hazardous materials from the harbour.

These precautions are taken long before the overflow reaches the edge of the shore. The harbour areas where hazardous materials are stored or from where they are transshipped are completely sealed. If hazardous materials are damaged while loading them into trucks or  trains and hazardous liquids leak, these cannot reach groundwater as the area is sealed off. There is a separate wastewater treatment facility underneath the harbour. There are so-called watergate locks, oil barriers that prevent the water from the harbour basin from mixing with the river water. Hazardous materials are handled by trained specialists and storied in designated areas.




Reinhard Vogt on “Harbours and Floods”


Yes, the harbours have detailed specific plans for removing hazardous materials from the harbour as quickly as possible in the case of flooding to protect the residents. The population around Niehl Harbour is protected in the case flooding through flood management. The industry is located in a sheltered area of the harbour. If the water level reaches 10 metres, the industry is warned in good time, so that these hazardous substances can be moved to a safe place.